We’re back, yay!🥳
New year, new episode! Hopefully this year we get to publishing more episodes, we’ve so much to say, it’s hard to narrow it down into bite-sized pieces. You know?😅
Anyway, here’s a new episode, we talk about our newfound love for Small Laude’s vlogs – she is just so entertaining, you guys! She’s super wealthy but she’s not stuck up and snooty about it. She’s not exactly down to earth, because how can you be when you’re that rich,😄 but she’s bubbly and thoughtful and I love that she’s unapologetic about being who she is.
I love how she treats her staff! She’s always making sure they’re well-fed and happy. I love that she has no qualms about eating at the same table as her staff, I know of people who are not as wealthy as her who don’t eat with the help. So seeing this uber-wealthy lady being kind to her staff is just so heartwarming.🥹
We also talk about the viral video of the girl selling Sampaguita who got into an altercation with a security guard in Manila and how almost everyone on the internet was so quick to jump into the girl’s defense, condemning the way the guard handled the situation, without actually knowing the full details. They only saw a short clip of the altercation but failed to see that perhaps the security guard only reacted the way he did because of events that were not shown in the video. News reports claimed the security guard was dismissed and government agencies and even influencers were quick to give the girl some aid, condemning the security guard.
People forgot not to judge the book’s cover, turns out the girl isn’t a minor, she’s 22, so her school uniform was meant to fool people into feeling sorry for her so she can sell her flowers – deceitful. After investigations, it seems like the security guard was provoked to act the way he did after verbal abuse from the girl, which we couldn’t see in the video because she was wearing a mask, to further conceal her real age.
It was a 💩 show and although it was proven that the security guard was provoked and that this wasn’t the first time this same girl was reprimanded for selling her flowers there, they kept coming back anyway, and after all that, NOBODY apologised to the guard.
But the lesson here is basic – just don’t judge the book by its cover. You can not just take everything at face value. Let’s not be quick to react, we should take some time to know both sides before we actually take sides. You know?🤔
Anyway, elections are coming up! Be wary of what “news” or what story you read or watch online, do your research, it’s literally free! And please do not spread fake news, verify something before you start spreading it, don’t be a moron.
As always we are open to questions, advice and all that jazz, leave it in the comments or if you’re shy, send us an email at oapodcast@itsoaandall.com.
Where to Watch or Listen to:
Watch on YouTube or Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
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So, if you’ve been following us on social media, you’d know that I’ve started streaming games over on TikTok, so if that sounds like something you’re interested in, please follow me over on TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@anefallarme,
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