It's OA

Guess My Name! Giveaway WINNER

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Congrats, Shane on Discord or Hane on TikTok!🥳 Thank you for playing!

He guessed my name correctly!

I’m not posting my real name here cause I’m still deathly afraid of identity theft or worse someone can take out a loan under my name and I wouldn’t even know about it until it’s too late.😱 That actually happened to someone I know!

So as an over thinker, I have blocked out my real name and will be deleting it from Discord as well.😄

Follow me on TikTok to participate in future giveaways!

I thought wrong!

I thought this giveaway would last a long time! But that was so quick! I believed my name to be unique and although it is, it’s not that hard to guess after all.😄 or the winner was just super duper smart.😄

I don’t know whether to be happy or sad about it.😅

But as promised I have sent the cash prize via GCash and I’m posting the screenshot as proof but of course I’ve blocked out all the sensitive information.😄


How He won

He followed instructions and he followed the clues and BOOM! He won a total of 6 months subscription to the Blessing of the Welkin Moon!🥳

Join future giveaways!

Free stuff is the best! So if you want to be the next winner of any of my giveaways, all you have to do is follow me on TikTok and watch my streams!😄

I have another one coming up soon, don’t miss it!

You can read more information about the ‘Guess My Name! Giveaway’ here.

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